
PicMonkey Collage 5

Hello, and welcome to our blog. We are Chris and Laura! Chris is a music addict, technology buff, lover of street art and a DJ / producer with a collection of over 600 vinyl records. Laura forever has her nose in a book, is a serial doodler and a lipstick-lover. She also runs a beauty blog, where she rambles about all things makeup.

We live in London, and in our life together we enjoy lots of things. Amongst these – cooking, eating, wearing pyjamas and also watching horror movies. We just love horror movies – whether they’re awful laugh-out-loud gory ones, heart-racing stress fests or the ones that get under your skin and leave you feeling creeped out.

Laura’s favourite film is The Shining, and she has a long-standing love of Jack Nicholson. She also has a penchant for zombie films. Chris also loves The Shining (who doesn’t?), but also has a lot of love for Audition, a creepy Japanese production.

Together we have created this blog to share our horror film viewing experiences with you, giving you insight on which films will strike fear and dread into your very soul, and which ones are about as scary as a picnic basket full of playful, fluffy kittens wearing individual bows.


“Hello, i’m Lampy!”

You’ll notice that each post will have it’s own “Lampy rating”. Who or what is Lampy, you may ask? Lampy is our shining beacon of light that guards us while we sleep, chasing away any demons, gremlins and strangers in the night. A scary film is likely to leave your imagination running fearfully wild, so more Lampy’s means a safer nights sleep. We hope this explains things for you!


Sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy!

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